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Churches in canberra
Divergent Church Canberra triangle

All in disciples devoted

to his kingdom come.



To be "divergent" is to stand apart—to be different.

For us at Divergent Church Canberra, "Divergent" reflects the nature of Jesus' kingdom (John 18:36). His kingdom doesn’t conform to the ways of this world; it operates on an entirely different foundation.

In Jesus' kingdom, faith overcomes fear, life triumphs over death, truth stands unwavering, and love prevails over hate. It is a kingdom that challenges the norms and expectations of the world around us. Yet, both society and even some within the Church push us toward conformity.

The Apostle Paul gives us a clear calling:


"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)

At Divergent Church Canberra and Divergent Church Queanbeyan, we believe church isn’t just a place you go—it’s a community you belong to.

We are people living out the life of Christ, committed to His mission, and seeking to impact a world that has yet to know Him.

Love to see you soon, 

The Crew at Divergent Church Canberra | Divergent Church Queabeyan
Formerly LifeCity Church Canberra

Canberra Church
Church Canberra
who is
what do we

Why are we different? Because Jesus said,

"my kingdom is not of this world" (jOhn 18:6)

Divergent Church Port Macquarie
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