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"All in Disciples devoted to his Kingdom come"


Our mission is built on the Great Commandment (Matt 22:37 - 40), Great Commission (Matt 28:18 - 20), Great Example (Acts 2:38 - 47) and Great Vision (Rev 7:9 – 12).


We do not seek to run a plethora of consumer based programs or become competitors to the entertainment industry, though we seek to do our best in everything we do as acts of worship. Our desire is to see people become like Christ, to be ''All in Disciples devoted to his Kingdom Come'.


You can read a more thorough blog on the Biblical foundations and focus for our MISSION in "OUR MISSION - Understanding DIVERGENT CHURCH and it's Mission"



"to the ends of the earth'

The least - The lost - The last


Church Canberra


Divergent Church Canberra




“//ONE Church, expressing ourself in community

and mission in multiplying community

based and focused churches”


Our ecclesiology (Church Doctrine) is rooted, not in a single cell concept of the local church but rather in the Biblical and historical precedent of regular localised gatherings that make up the one Church in a City or region. Ultimately, God sees one Church in the Canberra region, even across denominational lines. Statistics also show that Church planting is most effective when it is multiplying local community churches that remain interdependently one as opposed to establishing absolutely autonomous churches.

If you want to read a little more in depth about our dedication to a movement oriented environment check out the blog by our Senior Leader - Josh Reading on this area "Movement or Monument - Understanding DIVERGENT CHURCH and it's shape'



Built on the leadership gifts and functions in Ephesians 4:11 – 12 our equipping of the Church and ministry focuses ensure that we grow until “we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13).


This is not a corporate structure where we attempt to simply fill positions but a passion to create the room for God to bring health and growth in the life of the community.

- Global
- Missional
- Pastoral 
- Biblical
- Supernatural



We believe that the community of Christ is God's program to reach and bless the world. So often we essentially sub-contract out the great commission to 'professionals, projects or programs', however each believer has been entrusted with declaring and demonstrating the kingdom of God in every area and moment of their lives.


For this reason, it is important that we all live constantly on the mission of God in our workplaces, schools and whatever context we do life in.


“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matt 5:16


As Christians we often forget that the purpose of knowing Christ is not to be the end of the blessing that is Christ and everything he has, is and will do but to be a conduit of his blessing.


This week B.L.E.S.S someone in your everyday world.


B egin with prayer – Ask God to prepare your heart for what he wants to do in your world

L ive intentionally – shift what you do, where you do it and who you seek to bless

E at with someone – a believer and a non-believer – bring people together

S erve – seek the best for other – what is something practical you can do?

S hare – your story – the Word – community. Bring people into your journey, God's word and your community.


You can grab a “BLESS” card from the 'Welcome” table to help you in your everyday journey of blessing people

To build on these values we mix up our schedule to reinforce these matter. Things like 'ONE SUNDAY' to gather and focus on what God has for us as a movement, ENGAGE SUNDAYS to ensure our community serves in our wider community, GETAWAY each year and more.





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